How Often Should You See a Dentist?

Annually? Twice a year? Every five years? Once a decade? As one million Americans already don’t pay a visit to their dentists each year, it calls into question the question, “Just how often should you see your dentist?”.

It’s highly recommended to visit the dentist at least twice a year. This frequency allows your hygienist and dentist to monitor the overall health of your teeth and gums, and to catch any issues that may arise before they become serious. Most insurance companies also acknowledge this every-six-month schedule by covering two visits to the dentist per year.

Some patients may require additional visits to the dentist each year, depending on their unique needs. Here are some reasons to stick to the schedule to keep your teeth and gums healthy. 

Why Twice A Year Is Best Practice

A visit to the dentist every six months minimizes the chances of developing cavities, gum disease and other dental issues. You might start erring on the side of three times per year (every four months) if you’re prone to developing stains, dental plaque or calculus buildup since those require more maintenance.

However, if you’ve experienced any changes to your dental health, like chipped or shifting teeth, tooth pain or sensitivity, or swollen and bleeding gums, it might necessitate more frequent visits to see your hygienist depending on what they prescribe.

Likewise, if you’ve had dental work or surgery (perhaps to correct one of the above problems), your dentist may call for you to come in more often — at least for the time being until your issues are normalized. People with braces or other orthodontic appliances should also do the same as their teeth and gums may be more prone to decay and other issues.

High-Risk Groups May Need More Frequent Dentist Visits

Some high-risk groups may require dental office visits more than the standard two times per year:

  • Pregnant women
  • Smokers
  • Patients with weak immune systems
  • Patients prone to cavities or plaque
  • Patients who suffer from dry mouth
  • Older patients

What about kids? Children should have their first dental exam when their first baby tooth comes in, or by their first birthday — whichever comes first. Every six months to one year seeing the dentist is generally recommended when they grow a bit older. Since their teeth and gums are still developing, they need more frequent monitoring to ensure their oral health remains in top shape.

Brighten Your Smile With Radiance Dental 

Radiance Dental is committed to providing you and your family with safe, gentle and state-of-the-art dental care. We look forward to seeing you at least twice a year as a member of the Radiance Dental family. 

Start by scheduling an appointment with us today.